One of the most challenging tasks for many applicants, is knowing where to look. Fortunately, the internet allows for quick access to openings all over the globe, without having to personally know hiring managers or have relationships with employees who already work at these companies. Of course, having that "referral" can be beneficial, it is not necessary anymore.
The thing many job seekers do not realize, is it is a full time job looking for a job. You cannot sit at home talking about "there is no work", while watching television. You can't complain about the job market while hanging out with friends. The key is, if you want to work full time, then work full time at finding full time work. And sometimes, you may have to take a lesser paying position while continuing to look for the higher paying position your truly desire. That means even looking for work once you get off work. I know it sounds like a lot, but honestly, it is worth it. Sometimes, this is what it takes to provide for our families.
Unfortunately, in tough times when jobs may not be as available, it takes more work on the job seekers part to land that position. But...there are some things you can do to land that perfect oilfield job.
Here are 5 steps to secure an oilfield job...
1) Work Full Time at finding full time work.
As mentioned above...if you are not working, and in the process of trying to find a job, put in a full time effort every single day just as you would if you already had the position. If you are willing to work an 8-10 hour/day job, then spend the same amount of time and effort to land that position. This is what many people don't realize. They expect the job to just land on their lap, or somebody else to refer them to a company. Take control of your own fate, control the power you have within you, and do everything you possibly can to land that job.
2) Have a GREAT resume
Many applicants nowadays just want a job, but do not separate themselves from the pack. They will put in application after application, keeping it as basic as possible. So when a hiring manager goes through a stack of applicants, they are looking for the top candidates for the position. By creating an effective resume, you improve your chances of being noticed, show that you are a higher caliber candidate than the other applicants, and you give that hiring manager an extra incentive to call you back. You can have a professional resume completed
within minutes, and FOR FREE by clicking HERE
3) Know Where to Look
This can be confusing for a lot of people, especially if you are not that familiar with the internet and job boards. But there are countless resources for job seekers to find openings in their areas. The key, however, is to find the type of positions you are looking for. In this case, since you are looking for Oilfield Job Openings, here are a couple of pages you can look at to find job openings in your area. You can start by taking a look at the openings on this page:
Additionally...a great resource for jobs can be found HERE Simply input the type of position you are looking for, the area, and your email address. You will be added to the jobs database, and notified with updates regarding positions you may be interested in.
Once you have your resume completed, and you have found job openings that you are interested in, you just need to APPLY APPLY APPLY. Submit as many resumes as possible. Also, don't limit yourself to just a couple per day, make a goal of submitting at least 50 resumes per day. Start with your ideal job positions, and then go down from there. Like I mentioned before, you may have to take a lower paying position in the meantime while you continue your search. But lets face it, some income is better than no income. So, submit as many resumes as possible.
5) Rinse and Repeat
Once you get dozens of resumes out there, you may want to make some follow up calls to hiring managers just to touch base and make sure they received your resume. This small extra step will help create that personal relationship, and let them know you are serious. It also separates you from the list of applicants and increases your chances. Go through this process over and over and over and over.....maybe even review your resume and make updates/changes so that it is designed for the specific job type you are looking for. Continue submitting it to job openings, and make those follow up calls. Continue this process, and you are bound to have interviews scheduled in no time.
Best of Luck on your search